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Social Visuals is an innovative startup, focusing on emerging creative technologies (WebGL, XR, NFT, Metaverse) and their future impact. Founded in 2020 by Andor Merks with the aim to build a scalable team around his R&D projects and future vision, Social Visuals brings innovation, education and art together in a symbiotic relationship.


Humanity’s potential to shape the future is unprecedented. Creative technologies are augmenting every aspect of our life. They change how we communicate, how we connect with each other and even how we see ourselves. They are continuously redefining what makes us human.

To grasp the complexity of these tendencies and to unlock their positive impact we need a cross-disciplinary approach. Here at Social Visuals we are developing a balanced approach to innovation. From the early stages of ideation till the final product we want to understand the interplay between the new technology and the economy, environment, society & culture.